Le monastère de Fontgombault fut fondé en 1091 par Pierre de l'Étoile, avec des ermites qui vivaient dans les environs. L'abbaye fut fermée en 1742. À partir de 1849, une communauté de moines cisterciens y vécut jusqu'en 1905. En 1948, le monastère fut restauré par un groupe de moines venus de Saint-Pierre de Solesmes.
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Resultado de imagem para Abbaye Notre-Dame de Donezan


Ce monastère a été fondé par l’abbaye de Fontgombault (Indre) à l’automne 1994 sur le site de Gaussan. Dans le but de trouver une plus grande solitude, le monastère se déplace maintenant dans un endroit encore plus reculé. 

Communauté AbbayeAbbaye Saint Paul Wisques . Choeur de l'église de l'Abbaye Notre Dame deTriorsL'abbaye Notre-Dame de Triors renoue avec un long passé monastique : en 1984, quatorze moines bénédictins de Fontgombault répondent à l'invitation qui leur est faite de s'établir dans le château de Triors construit au XVII° siècle par Charles de Lionne de Lesseins, abbé commendataire de Saint-Calais non loin de Solesmes.
    Le site, ample plateau verdoyant adossé aux collines et face au Vercors, se prête à la vie de silence et de travail des moines, qui y perpétuent la tradition monastique de la région.
La vie bénédictine interrompue par la Révolution est restaurée en France par Dom Guéranger, en 1833, à Solesmes (Sarthe).
C'est cette communauté qui relève l'antique abbaye de Fontgombault (Indre) en 1948.
Envoyés de Fontgombault, les premiers moines arrivent à Randol en mai 1971 et le nouveau monastère est "inauguré" le 16 octobre de la même année.
Le prieuré de Randol est érigé en Abbaye la 21 mars 1981 et le premier Abbé de Randol, Dom Éric de Lesquen, reçoit la bénédiction de l'évêque de Clermont, le 24 juin de cette même année.
La dédicace de l'église abbatiale est célébrée solennellement le 5 octobre 1985.

Le 15 novembre 2003, les moines de Randol élisent leur deuxième Abbé, Dom Bertrand de Hédouville, qui reçoit la bénédiction le 30 janvier 2004. 

There were so many vocations that Fontgombault had to found new monasteries. As the American novices needed to get a solid formation, the project to found in America was put off for many years, but not forgotten.
Beginning in 1991, Dom Antoine Forgeot, abbot of Notre-Dame de Fontgombault Abbey began to make exploratory trips to the United States, accompanied by Dom Francis Bethel. After visiting many sites in several states and after many hesitations, a property was found in 1998, in the diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma, that struck the abbot and many others as very well suited for the American foundation. It was a ranch located along Clear Creek. The idea was approved by the Chapter of the French abbey and on the feast of the Assumption of that same year 1998, a charter was signed between the abbot of Fontgombault and the bishop of Tulsa formally recognizing the existence of the new foundation.

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segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2015

Benedictine Spirituality. The Rule of St. Benedict as a spiritual path for today's world

Benedictine Spirituality. The Rule of St. Benedict as a spiritual path for today's world

Benedictine Spirituality

The Rule of Saint Benedict, which is permeated by the spirit of Holy Scripture, is the source from which our monastic life is drawn. It is the foundation upon which the spiritual life is built. The fundamental principles of the monastic life which are expressed in the Rule
are vaild guides even in our own day.
Constitutions of the Congregation of St. Ottilien, Preamble 3
The Rule of St. Benedict inspires us as Missionary Benedictines to live in the present world as a listening, praying, and serving community of brothers. Our spirituality as Benedictines can be summarized in the elements of this aspiration:
The first word of the Rule is listen. Saint Benedict was aware that an understanding of God's work in our lives and in the world begins by listening with the ear of our heart. God speaks to us in the silence of our hearts, in our encounters with other people, and in the experiences of every day life. By learning to listen more intently and recognizing the voice of God at work in everything we do, we come to a greater knowledge of God's will and abundant love.
Prayer is the foundation and primary work of our monastic way of life. Through prayer, the monk develops a relationship with God and cultivates a deeper sense of communion with him. Our daily rhythm of communal prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours and celebration of the Eucharist, as well as private meditation and Lectio Divina, sanctifies our entire day and also allows us to intercede for the needs of the world.
As Benedictines we are called to see Christ present in each person we encounter. The Rule of St. Benedict contains many admonitions to serve guests, the sick, the poor, and our own brother monks. The work and ministries we engage in allow us to put the fruit of our prayer into practice and is a concrete act of praise. All the work we do is done so that in all things God may be glorified.
A distinctive sign of the Benedictine monastic life is a continuing effort to build and strengthen the monastic community in fraternal charity. As members of a community we celebrate our joys together, encourage one another in challenging times, cooperate in a common mission, and help one another to grow personally and spiritually. The love we experience in community is a sign to the world of the Gospel way of life all people are called to live.
5.  Stability
10.  Hospitality
12.  Seeking God

Benedictine spirituality pages: Life of St. Benedict St. Benedict's teaching Balance Good zeal Instruments of good works Discretion Peace

Saint Benedict in Blue Robe

Benedictine spirituality pages:

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