The Great Treasure Of The Latin Mass That Most Catholics Do Not Know Or Do Not Like
August 6th is the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mt. Tabor. We celebrated it with the Holy Latin Missa Cantata.

Here is some evidence that it is the great treasure given to us by God;
1) It is ancient and sacred, a liturgy that was left to us by Jesus.
2) It development has been guided by the Holy Ghost and has developed VERY VERY SLOWLY over HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of years.
3) Anyone who studies or offers this mass is struck by reverence given to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ by the priest and those who receive Him in Holy Communion.
4) The multilayered actions of the priest, altar boys, people and choir at each one of the different Holy Latin Masses (Low Mass, Missa Cantata, Solemn High Mass).
a) The priest doing his part perfectly according to the strict rubrics.
b) The altar boys assisting the priest by doing their parts with precision.
c) The people praying and doing their part of offering themselves to God in union with Jesus.
d) The cantor, the organist and choir doing their part by adding to the grandeur of the Holy Mass by their beautiful singing and music.

How blessed are the few traditional Catholics who are to be able to enter into this divine action of God at the Missa Cantata, and experience its beauty that comes down from heaven.
How sad it is that so many Catholics have never experience this sacred experience. But what is really sad and plain out evil, is that many Catholic despise God’s treasure of the Holy Latin Mass just because they think they know better than God and do not like Latin.

Most people would take the Beatles any day over Bach. Most people do not even know who I mean when I say Bach. They are totally ignorant of the great classical musical pieces. But just because they are ignorant does not take away from the genius and beauty of Bach’s music.

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